Stars and Stripes (April 1966)

Hail of Fire Doesn’t Stop Copter on Supply Mission

Chu Lai, VIetnam (ISO) – A Marine pilot from the state of Utah can testify to the intensity of Viet Cong fire at landing zones during Operation Utah.

“It seemed as though the whole world started firing at us,” commented 1st Lt. Terril J. Richardson of Vernal, Utah, a pilot with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 364.

Richardson’s helicopter received several hits from the enemy during one mission. It begins when he received word to launch on an emergency resupply mission for a ground unit 18 miles south of here.

Approaching the landing zone, he followed a small light from a Marine unit into a clearing. As the rear wheel touched down, the enemy opened up with an intensive sheet of automatic weapons fire. The Utah marine immediately flew the aircraft out of the zone. As the ‘copter climbed, crew chief Sgt. James R. Vance of Barlow, KY, and crewman LCpl. George E. Sexton counted eight automatic weapons and two .50 caliber machine guns firing at them. The two crew members were blazing away at the enemy positions with their machine guns.

Richardson radioed the ground unit to see if they would agree to a low altitude air drop of the critically needed ammunition. The ground unit replied, “affirmative,” and Richardson again began the descent.

Silhouetted by a full moon, the helicopter came in at top speed at an altitude of only 50 feet. The enemy held their fire. Getting closer to the zone, 1st Lt. Richardson stared intently at a small light marking the drop area. The co-pilot, 2nd Lt. C. Eric Cederblom of Malvern, NY kept checking the instruments and calling off speed and altitude to the pilot.

Nearing the light, Richardson pulled back hard on the cyclic stick and reduced engine power, slowing the aircraft but maintaining altitude. Suddenly the enemy opened fire again. Tracers flew at the copper from all sides.